2020 Virtual NYAAE Conference Session Recordings and Resources


Have you signed up for the Book Club yet? Sign up HERE!

Check out the information about our book club here!

CTLE Credit for After Conference Participation

If you are watching a session to receive your CTLE credit, please complete THIS SURVEY after each workshop you complete.


In order to maximize your Rocketbook to its full potential, we have created a Step-by-Step Tutorial to help you set-up your Rocketbook!  As educators, we know that everyone learns differently so we have created a powerpoint (entitled “Taking Off with Rocketbook Step-by-Step Instructions”) as well as video tutorials to make sure that both our Visual and Auditory learners have instructions that are easy for you to access.  Please click the link above to access the folder where all of the information is stored.

DOOR PRIZE ENTRIES (From June 22 to June 30)- Info-Graphic

  • Attend Daily Sessions

  • Submit “Pass the Box” Challenges- HERE

  • Submit SnackPack / Rocketbook Pages- HERE

  • Scavenger Hunt Submission- HERE