Agricultural Education New Program Guide:

Designed to provide a suggested process to follow.  Many schools across the state have found this document helpful and are able to use the different steps in the order that works for their school and community to establish an agricultural education program

NEW: Teacher Resource One Pagers!

Shared Teacher Curriculum Resources

7 keys of local program success

AET:  Advanced AET Webinar ; How to get the Empire Degree and AET Notes and Intro to AET Webinar

FFA Student Waiver and Emergency Contact/Medical forms and Certificate of Liability

Guidance for Dissection Lessons in the Agriculture Classroom

How to Obtain a NYSED Approved CTE Program

Instructional Resources

NYS Career & Financial Management Curriculum Framework

Tax exemption for your FFA chapter

Veterinary Sciences 9-12: The Classroom Curriculum





Use any and all of the information to assist you in and out of your classroom.
Still can't find what you're looking for? Let us know - Terry Hughes or Shari Lighthall.