A blue and yellow description of a youth conference with logos for New York State, FFA, 4-H and MANRRS.
New York’s Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference
dates - November 13-14, 2024
Albany, NY - Empire State Plaza and Albany Hilton
The future of food is our future, too. In 2024, New York FFA is proud to partner with Governor Hochul, the Department of Agriculture and Markets, state level agricultural and policy leaders and young people from all NY backgrounds - 4-H, MANRRS, Jr. Dairy Leaders, Cornell’s Youth Institute and more - to come together for New York State’s Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference.
New York students in grades 11 and 12 will gather in Albany to envision a future for NY’s farms, natural resources and food system that is sustainable, innovative and equitable. In conversations with our state’s top leaders or in breakout sessions focused on life after high school, career-specific mentoring, fostering belonging in NY agriculture, and more, student participants will collaborate, cultivate innovation and understanding, and elevate their perspectives.
The 2024 Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference seeks a cohort of passionate, experienced student leaders with interest in making lifelong contributions to NY’s agriculture, food and natural resources industry as citizens, consumers, employees, entrepreneurs or policy makers. Students are encouraged to apply for consideration as part of the 2024 cohort by July 15.
Application link
Need help accessing the application? Email juleah@cornell.edu for technical support.
Conference Flyer & Tentative Schedule
Conference Website
conference launch Press Release from governor’s office
Frequently Asked Questions:
Question: What is the timeline for conference selection?
Answer: Applications are open now and will be evaluated after July 15. Accepted students will be notified via email and must confirm participation to secure their spot at the conference. Additional conference admission may occur on a rolling basis after July 15 if space allows.
Question: When does the conference begin and end?
Answer: Conference arrival and registration will begin in the meeting spaces at the Empire State Plaza by 11 am on November 13. Students will be able to meet and connect with other participants over a casual lunch. Official event programming will begin by 1 pm on the 13th. The conference will adjourn after lunch on November 14. Conference leadership is looking to coordinate tours for students on shared transportation after the conference adjourns. Students providing their own transportation may choose to sign up for these experiences. All tours should conclude and allow for departure from tour locations in the greater Albany area no later than 3:30 pm on November 14. More information will be shared directly with conference participants.
Question: What is the participation cost?
Answer: The Youth Agricultural Leadership Conference is an elite student experience and there is no cost for selected New York student representatives. Conference participation will include 3-4 meals, shared hotel accommodations and programming. Participants may incur transportation or parking costs on their own. There will be no charge for conference-selected adult chaperones.
Question: How does transportation to the conference work?
Answer: There are several travel options for participants. There is abundant parking at both the Empire State Plaza and the Albany Hilton. Conference leadership is exploring chartering several round trip bus options for participants originating in metro areas throughout NYS. More information on shared transportation will be shared directly with selected students.
Question: What is the dress code for the conference?
Answer: This is a professional event and students should plan to wear business professional on November 13. For FFA members, this would be FFA Official Dress, for other student organizations it may be your organization’s blazer or attire. A dress and sweater, dress slacks and a dress shirt/tie are all appropriate. Day two of the conference will likely be business casual or casual - and more information will be shared directly with conference participants.
Question: How do I share accommodation requests for participation in the conference?
Answer: Selected students and adults will be asked to complete waivers and provide information about dietary restrictions, accessibility and any other conference needs. Accommodation requests must be received by conference organizers via submission form no later than October 10.
Question: Who are the adult chaperones for the conference?
Answer: The conference will identify adult chaperones to support student safety and provide supervision. These chaperones will have met minimum qualifications for the safety of minors such as passing background checks, undertaking training, or serving as a certified and approved secondary school teacher. Each identified adult chaperone will be directly connected with a student participant and adults will be identified after the July 15 application review.
Question: Can other adults travel with their student to the conference?
Answer: We have limited space availability beyond selected student participants, conference staff and conference-selected adult chaperones. We will work to provide hotel space at cost to any additional adults as long as space allows. Additional adults may not be able to be accommodated in meals or meeting space and may be offered space in an overflow hotel.