NY Educators Recognized at National Association of Agricultural Educators Confernce

Mohawk Valley FFA Advisor Christopher Smith (left) was presented with the Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship.Agricultural education is continually faced with a shortage of qualified teachers. Unless those who have been trained enter and remain in the…

Mohawk Valley FFA Advisor Christopher Smith (left) was presented with the Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship.

Agricultural education is continually faced with a shortage of qualified teachers. Unless those who have been trained enter and remain in the profession for a period of several years, the shortage of qualified teachers will prevail. As a means of encouraging young teachers to remain in the profession and to encourage and recognize participation in professional activities, NAAE offers the Teachers Turn the Key Scholarship.

Belleville Henderson FFA Advsior Tedra Bean was one of six individuals in the nation to receive the Outstanding Young Member Award, given at the annual NAAE convention.As a means of encouraging young teachers to remain in the profession and to recog…

Belleville Henderson FFA Advsior Tedra Bean was one of six individuals in the nation to receive the Outstanding Young Member Award, given at the annual NAAE convention.

As a means of encouraging young teachers to remain in the profession and to recognize participation in professional activities, the NAAE Outstanding Young Member Award program is sponsored by John Deere as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. NAAE members who have completed at least three but not more than five years of teaching are eligible to apply for this award; members who are currently in their sixth year of teaching are eligible to apply.

Stockbridge Valley FFA Advisor Erin McCaffrey (center) was presented with the Teacher Mentor Award.If you ask agriculture teachers what motivated them to enter and stay in the teaching profession, predominately they will attribute their decision to …

Stockbridge Valley FFA Advisor Erin McCaffrey (center) was presented with the Teacher Mentor Award.

If you ask agriculture teachers what motivated them to enter and stay in the teaching profession, predominately they will attribute their decision to another agriculture teacher who encouraged them. Many state agricultural education associations have recognized the importance of positive relationships between beginning and experienced teachers by creating formal organizational structures to connect beginning and experienced teachers. This award program will provide additional incentives for experienced teachers to become mentors for beginning teachers, and it will provide beginning teachers a way to say thank you to the experienced teachers who have influenced them.